Sixteen 20-minute programs, each of which deals with a different topic of the elementary mathematics curriculum. Through the eyes of "Eddie," a 5th grade student in the mathematics classroom of renowned teacher Kay Toliver, viewers find out just how people use key math concepts and skills in life and in exciting jobs.
Endorsed by NAESP, American Association of School Administrators, National Educational Telecommunications Association, NSTA. More than 20 awards, including Peabody and Parents' Choice Awards.
Four "Fileboxes," each with 4 episodes and accompanying teacher guide.
Watch a preview of The Eddie Files:
The Eddie Files Box #1 Welcome to Math: "You Gotta Start Somewhere" - It's the first week of school in math teacher Kay Toliver's class. The assignment: find out about jobs that people have and how they use math. Eddie meets a doctor, a judge, a dancer, a restaurateur, a telephone technician, a sunglasses designer and a TV director.
Estimation: "Going to the Dogs" - If only Aunt Rosa's dog Hector could talk, maybe he could help Eddie with his assignment- estimating how many dogs there are in New York City. With some tips from professionals who use estimation-like a veterinarian, a professional bug farmer and a bat expert-Eddie discovers how to make a smart guess.
Geometry: "Invasion of the Polygons" - After "Miss T" talks about polygons in class, Eddie explores the subject, and construction workers, an inventor, an engineer and an architect demonstrate the ways polygons are used to create everything from skyscrapers to collapsible spheres.
Fractions: "Any Way You Slice It" - In the kitchen of a master chef and the studio of a renowned percussionist, Eddie discovers surprising things about fractions. Then top sports photographer Tracy Frankel, explains how understanding fractions can improve Eddie's picture taking.
The Eddie Files Box #2 Distance, Time and Speed: "Hot Dog Heaven" - When Aunt Rosa's dog, Hector, is placed in Eddie's charge and wanders off, Eddie is in a panic. Johnny and Eddie find themselves racing against Manhattan traffic to save Hector, while viewers find out from transportation professionals just what it takes to move millions of people around the city every day.
Statistics: "The Lucky Batting Glove" - From keeping track of sales at Gus's hot dog stand to seeing what's behind the giant scoreboard at Yankee Stadium, Eddie and Aunt Rosa discover what a major role mathematics plays in the major leagues of baseball and business.
Circles: "The Vegie Stash-O-Matic" - After Ms. Toliver's lesson on circles, Eddie's homework assignment is to invent a machine. Eddie's idea may or may not work, but either way viewers will learn a lot about the practical uses of geometry as they meet designers and engineers.
Decimals: "The Fake Money Caper" - Eddie once again finds himself in the middle as he helps Secret Service agents track down a counterfeiting ring. He also consults with people whose job it is to create, and safeguard, our money supply.
The Eddie Files Box #3 Length and Area: "Sleep Like a Dog" - Aunt Rosa's dog, Hector, displays true talent when he is cast for a commercial by an eccentric Italian director. The biggest surprise is the amount of math used by people who design and make television and movie sets.
Patterns: "The Big Concert" - It's December at P.S. 72, and to Eddie that means just one thing: getting ready for his big part in the annual holiday concert. He decides to find out how professional musicians create their magic, As it turns out, it is Ms. Toliver's lesson on patterns that finally puts Eddie on the right track.
Volume: "The Day Manhattan Ran Dry" - Manhattan has millions of people, and they use lots and lots of water. But what if that supply were cut off, just for one day? It's this thought that gives Eddie a chance to meet people whose job it is to make sure that Manhattan will never run dry.
The Counting Principle: "Eddie in Barbieland" - Eddie would do almost anything for his little sister Dee, but this time his Mom asks him to buy doll clothes for Dee's birthday. Even with help from Ms. Toliver's lesson on clothing combinations and the counting principle, and a briefing from designers who work for one of the country's top toy makers, it looks like this might be one problem he can't think his way out of.
The Eddie Files Box #4 Ratios: "The Lonesome Pine" - Eddie faces one of his biggest challenges when a young ponderosa pine ends up on his doorstep. After all, trees are an important part of nature, as we learn from Ms. Toliver's ratios lesson, and from foresters and engineers who manage national park land in the New Mexico wilderness. But where can you plant a tree in Manhattan?
Variables: "The Green Thumb" - Eddie is supposed to grow a sunflower for Ms. Toliver's study of variables. But, day after day, all he sees when he looks into his little pot of soil is ... soil. Finally, with advice from gardeners and the manager of a huge rice farm, Eddie digs up an answer.
Charts and Graphs: "The Dessert Derby" - Every year Eddie's Aunt Ida enters one of her unusual culinary creations in East Harlem Community Center's dessert derby, and every year she wins...nothing. Still, she is determined, and her new strategy is to base everything on carefully prepared charts and graphs (like the ones Eddie's class made in Ms. Toliver's lesson).
Percents: "Take a Bite" - Ms. Brooks, New York City's Deputy Mayor, has chosen Eddie's picture of his sister Dee eating pizza as the centerpiece of a major new tourist campaign. Eddie sees how Ms. Toliver's percents lesson applies to the world of graphic design as he watches his photo resized and retouched for use in magazines, buses and billboards.
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